vitamin d deficiency symptoms

Vitamin D and Depression – Interconnections You Might Want to Hear About

Discover the relation between Vitamin D and Depression and how to quick fix your low levels of vitamin D which could erase depression signs from your mind and body.

A review in “Psychoneuroendocrinology” journal mentions that vitamin D acts on neuronal cells and inflects the secretion of chemicals in the brain, regulating the growth of neurons. It also notes that vitamin D asymmetries may play a role in depression and other brain diseases like Parkinson and epilepsy.

There are no reported studies linking ultraviolet-B (UVB) light to risk of depression. However, the symptoms of depression may intensify during the winter – what is known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). – source Vitamin D Council dot org.

Hypovitaminosis D osteopathy is a term used to describe a variety of low vitamin D deficiencies. It occurs when there is a lack of vitamin D to help the hormones maintain an appropriate balance of calcium in the body.

It may be beneficial for those at higher risk to schedule an appointment with their physician to implement more vitamin D in their diet or to seek treatment for malabsorption of the vitamin in order to reduce the risk of complications related to vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin D and Depression is not the only correlation we should be aware of.

Oliver Gillie in his book (Sunlight Robbery) says:

“A billion or more people in Europe obtain insufficient sunlight and vitamin D putting them at increased risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, multiple sclerosis and the common cancers including cancer of the bowel, breast, prostate, ovary and lymph glands as well as diseases of bone.

This epidemic of chronic disease caused by insufficient vitamin D is probably as large as the epidemics caused by smoking and obesity, but the importance of vitamin D for health is still not properly recognised by governments.”

There are no direct connections between Vitamin D and Depression although some studies suggest the opposite. What counts though is to keep a balanced diet, rich in vitamin D, including fresh fruits and vegetables. Drink water. And run every day for about 30 mins.