vitamin d deficiency symptoms in adults

Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms in Adults: Osteomalacia and its Treatment

Worried about vitamin d deficiency symptoms in adults, like osteomalacia? Learn about it and its treatments…

Some of the most common vitamin D deficiency symptoms in adults may not be so easy to identify because they may be similar to other deficiencies that may be experienced by the body. A good example is when someone is suffering from a complication which involves the lack of calcium. When a person has such a condition, they will generally exhibit some very similar symptoms to those that a person who lacks vitamin D would show. It is therefore important for you to establish the exact condition before you find out how to treat it.

The best way to find out just what the deficiency you have is by studying carefully some of the most relevant vitamin D deficiency symptoms in adults. Basically the most common of these symptoms is fatigue. When a person has a lack of the vitamin D nutrient, they will always have a frequent rate of getting tired. In cases where the deficiency is very severe, the person will actually feel like they have no strength and may get very tired even after they rest. The symptom that you should look out for is pain in the bones. Although the pain is not spontaneous, it will be experienced when some kind of weight is put on the body.

Another common symptom of this condition is having problems when it comes to digestion of food. Usually the nutrient is very helpful in building a strong and healthy digestive system and therefore a lack of it will result in complication. Simply put, the basic vitamin D deficiency symptoms in adults are just fatigue and general bone weakness or in some instances pain. The good news is that treatment is available in the form of supplements, dietary planning and exposure to the sun.