vitamin d deficiency symptoms

Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms: Hypophosphatemia

Vitamin D helps with the regulation of phosphate concentration in the bloodstream. However, when there is not enough vitamin D, the intestines will not be able to absorb phosphate efficiently. This may lead to hypophosphatemia, an electrolyte disturbance, which is an example an vitamin D deficiency symptom.

Hypophosphatemia occurs when there is an electrolyte unbalance of when there is a phosphate concentration of less than 2.5mg in the blood per decilitre.

Phosphate is the primary anion in the body and it is vital for energy storage, membrane structure, and the production of ATP, the energy provider for cell functions in the body.

Vitamin D plays a major role in the re-absorption of phosphate in the intestines.

Vitamin D moves phosphate from the bone to help maintain phosphate levels in the bloodstream. It also helps stimulates active phosphate transport.

A minor case of hypophosphatemia may be asymptomatic, but with excessive phosphate loss, dialysis and diuresis may be noted, leading to increased urine loss. The individual’s white blood cells may become defective, leading to an increased chance of infections, as the immune system is weakened.

This vitamin D deficiency symptom may cause the to individual to feel weakness and dysfunction in the muscles. This may also lead to fractures and bone pain.  This condition is also associated with ventilatory failure, also known as respiratory acidosis, where the lungs are not able to remove all the carbon dioxide that the body produces. This causes a disruption in the body’s acid-base balance, resulting in the blood becoming too acidic.

With an extremely low level of phosphate of less than 1.5mg in the blood per decilitre, there may be very problematic symptoms, such as increasingly weaker muscles, coma, and the possibility of death.

This vitamin D deficiency symptom may cause the body to become imbalanced leading to hypophosphatemia. This may result in very serious symptoms that can be avoided if individuals at risk of vitamin D deficiency increase their vitamin intake in their diet or increase their exposure to the sun.