vitamin d deficiency symptoms

What Doctors Hide from Most People about Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms

For the average doctor, vitamin D deficiency symptoms are not usually something they screen for. Whether it is simply ignorance or a loyalty to the established form of health care, alternative natural remedies are almost never discussed in your doctor’s office…

There are the few enlightened practitioners that employ a holistic approach, but for the most part, it is up to the patient to educate themselves about their symptoms and possible remedies.

What is Vitamin D and Why Do We Need It?

Vitamin D is a critical nutrient for humans. Actually, it’s not a vitamin, but a hormone and consists of two separate types-Vitamin D2 and VitaminD3. D2 is primarily derived from plants, while D3 comes from the suns rays, which the body processes.

Vitamin D is used to activate and maintain the function of over 200 genes in the human body and is also critical in bone health, immune system function, hormone balance and a host of other bodily functions. If you are vitamin D deficient, it can lead trigger the symptoms which then are diagnosed as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis or Lupus.

Unfortunately, most medical professionals are trained to group symptoms and classify them (label them with a disease), instead of identifying the root cause of the symptoms. Instead, prescriptions are given often having a list of dangerous or uncomfortable side affects! By understanding vitamin D deficiency symptoms, you will be able to guide the conversation with your doctor before this happens.

Signs of a Vitamin D Deficiency (or vitamin D deficiency symptoms as they are known)

• Some of the illnesses and diseases that can be caused by a lack of vitamin D include:


• Chronic Fatigue

• Consistent Weight Gain

• Achy Bones and Joints (Arthritis)

• Autoimmune Disorders
• Diabetes

• Multiple Sclerosis

• Breast, Bladder and Ovarian Cancer in Women

• Increased PMS and Menopausal Symptoms

• Leg Cramps and Bone Abnormalities in Children

• Bone Fractures

If you are experiencing one of the above, being tested for a deficit in vitamin D is wise. A simple test may unlock the key to a health problem that has plagued you for months or even years. Also, take a look at your health history to figure out how you became vitamin D deficient in the first place.

Causes of Vitamin D Deficiency

The Standard American does not get the proper amount of nutrients and over time this turns into a chronic deficiency. Sources of vitamin D from food include beef liver, eggs, sardines, cheese, fish oil and mushrooms.

For individuals who are vegans or vegetarians, it can really be a challenge to get enough vitamin D into your diet. However, there are many vitamin D fortified options, such as fortified orange juice, tofu, soy and rice milk and many more items. Adding more of these items to your diet, along with a healthy dose of sunshine can elevate vitamin D levels and reverse bad health.

As mentioned, sunshine is the main source for vitamin D3 and avoiding the sun like the plague can cause a deficiency. Instead of avoiding the sun altogether, try going out when the sun’s ultraviolet rays are at their strongest (they are stronger between 10am and 2pm). Depending on your skin pigment and susceptibility to burning, you can take in sunlight from 10 minutes to an hour. Sun is excellent for healing many emotional and mood based illnesses, such as depression, as well as physical ailments. Make sure to get your time in the sun!

Taking Vitamin D Supplements

The most common way that most people will correct a deficiency in vitamin D will be to take supplements. Approximately 50% of people are lacking in vitamin D, so supplementation makes sense for your health. Under optimal conditions, our bodies can make up to 10,000 IU of vitamin D each day from sun exposure and supplementation. Taking supplements of 800-1000 IU daily will go far in reversing vitamin D deficiency symptoms.

You might also want to read on vitamin C deficiency symptoms.