vitamin d deficiency symptoms

Low Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms Explained

Interested to prevent low vitamin D deficiency symptoms?

If you don’t get enough sun exposure or have conditions that may limit your synthesis or absorption of vitamin D, you must take extra precautions to ensure that you get vitamin D from supplements or diet.

The primary job of vitamin D, a fat soluble vitamin, is that it helps control and regulate the body’s use of calcium. It ensures that calcium in the body is directed towards the bones and not other tissues.

Hypovitaminosis D osteopathy is a term used to describe a variety of low vitamin D deficiencies. It occurs when there is a lack of vitamin D to help the hormones maintain an appropriate balance of calcium in the body. It may take a period of up to five years, where there is a shortage of calcium entering the bones. However, symptoms may not be present. After this initial asymptomatic period, changes in the bone may be present when a physician takes a bone scan. Even then, there are no unusual fractures in the bones.

It is not until the final stage of the condition that the vitamin D symptoms cause broken and fractured bones.

Other symptoms are depression, weight loss, diabetes, chronic fatigue, and osteoporosis.

Vitamin D deficiency is also linked to heart diseases and certain types of cancers.

If vitamin D deficiency is left untreated, it can cause some serious low vitamin D deficiency symptoms. It may be beneficial for those at higher risk to schedule an appointment with their physician to implement more vitamin D in their diet or to seek treatment for malabsorption of the vitamin in order to reduce the risk of complications related to vitamin D deficiency.


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